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When can I access my tax documents?

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Here are some helpful dates to note regarding when we mail out our clients’ tax documents: 

  • Beginning of February
    • T4RSP slip
    • RSP contribution slip for contributions made from March 3 – December 31 of the previous calendar year
  • February – March
    • RSP contribution slip for contribution made during the first 60 days of the current calendar year
  • End of February
    • T5 slip
    • TFSA year-end files sent to CRA
  • March 1st
    • Last day to contribute to an RSP 

 Please note that we send all of these files to the CRA prior to mailing them out. This means you do not need to wait for the slip to arrive at your home – you can access them through myCRA or any Tax provider that integrate their data with the CRA.

"SIMPLII FINANCIAL" and the SIMPLII FINANCIAL DESIGNS are trademarks of CIBC. "Simplii Financial" is a division of CIBC. Banking services are not available in Quebec.
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